Author: Eric Clarke

New recruits for the Chiefs

  Like any junior hockey team, the Chiefs have a few spots to fill before the upcoming season. With no one sure when it will officially start given the pandemic, the Chiefs have a few players who have already committed to join the team. Chilliwack does have a fair number […]

All-time Chilliwack Chiefs lineup

  One of my fellow BCHLNetwork writers Jason Jhutti put out his all-time team for the Penticton Vees. In his conclusion, Jason mentioned that Penticton has no doubt the deepest lineup of any great BCHL team, so I said, “Challenge accepted!” The Chilliwack Chiefs all-time lineup follows the same criteria […]

The Chilliwack Chiefs Experience

  The Chilliwack Chiefs fan experience has changed significantly over the 30 years the team has been in the BCHL. The Chiefs played out of the Chilliwack Coliseum from 1990 to 2004. The original Coliseum was a very old building built in the 1950s. Its seats were wooden benches, there […]