Tag: Merritt Centennials

BCHL Today: Bottini, Fust, and Switzerland win at World Juniors, Chiefs add Tanner for 2021-22, and more

  Bottini notches an assist in Switzerland’s World Juniors win An 🍎 for Stefano Bottini helps @SwissIceHockey to a 2-1 lead in the 2nd period!#BCHL | #WorldJuniors https://t.co/OAKB78N9cS — Penticton Vees (@PentictonVees) December 23, 2020 Penticton Vees forward Stefano Bottini had an assist on a second period goal for Switzerland […]

BCHL Today: Eagles defenseman Ross commits to Dartmouth, Clippers appeal to MLA, Wild recruits Lipinski for 2021-22, and more

Tait heads to Dartmouth in 2023-24 I am extremely excited and honoured to announce my commitment to play Division 1 hockey at Dartmouth College. Thank you to coaches, friends, and family who have supported me along this journey. @Dartmouth_MIH pic.twitter.com/yCkRu04ikV — Tait Ross (@taitross23) December 13, 2020 Surrey Eagles defenseman […]

BCHL Today: 2020-21 season start pushed back again, Zakall commits to Ivy League school, and more

2020-21 season delayed until January BCHL delays season start to new year due to PHO order limiting team activities. RELEASE: https://t.co/kK1fdc8y1C pic.twitter.com/N2s7BHAcRC — BC Hockey League (@GoBCHL) December 8, 2020 With the extension of the Public Health Officer’s order of not allowing players over the age of majority to participate […]

BCHL Today: Vees test negative for COVID-19, Eagles cancel All-Star Challenge, Clips trade Kitchen, and more

  Vees test negative for COVID-19 NEWS: The Vees have received negative tests for their players and staff after a player tested positive for COVID-19 last week. DETAILS 📝 | https://t.co/HQxWGGj2Az#BCHL pic.twitter.com/18yWn30ePk — Penticton Vees (@PentictonVees) December 4, 2020 After a Penticton Vees player tested positive for COVID-19 in late […]

BCHL Today: Provincial Health Officer order takes 19-and-20-year-olds off the ice, and more

  Public health restrictions limit involvement for 19-and-20-year-olds BC Hockey has updated hockey activity information following the PHO order – including a return to Phase 2 activity for youth: https://t.co/bEcna3Qrym pic.twitter.com/WhB7Q8lqsj — BC Hockey (@BCHockey_Source) December 3, 2020 The latest order from Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry to help […]