Tag: Powell River Kings

BCHL Today: League awards five scholarships, Chiefs forward Peter Reynolds bolts to QMJHL, Wild and Eagles each add a forward, and more

BCHL awards scholarships to five players The BCHL and @ShawInfo have announced 5 recipients for the Shaw BCHL Scholarship Program. RELEASE: https://t.co/avvgPh6acG 📸 @garrettjames22 pic.twitter.com/T3q7dwYZOH — BC Hockey League (@GoBCHL) May 11, 2020 The BCHL announced on Monday the five players to receive the Shaw BCHL Scholarship for 2019-20. Jackson […]

BCHL Today: Langley Rivermen add forward Marburg, Brubacher wins RIT athletics award, and more

Marburg commits to Rivermen for 2020-21 We are excited to announce the newest commitment to the team! Please join us in giving Samuel Marburg a huge #RivNation welcome. More to come! pic.twitter.com/3PkvtsoTyi — Langley Rivermen (@LangleyRivermen) April 25, 2020 The Langley Rivermen have added forward Samuel Marburg for the 2020-21 […]

BCHL Today: League seeks financial assistance, Westhaver wins Community Hero Award, Sleeth commits to SUNY-Oswego, and more

BCHL seeks financial assistance from BC government BCHL seeks financial support from provincial government during COVID-19 crisis. RELEASE: https://t.co/iYiwFaqQE9 pic.twitter.com/ZiB8dn0OpJ — BC Hockey League (@GoBCHL) April 22, 2020 The BC Hockey League put out a news release on Wednesday regarding its desire to seek financial support from the government of […]

BCHL Today: Hirose up for CJHL Top Defenceman award, Kings and Express add new players, and more

Silverbacks blueliner Hirose up for CJHL Top Defenceman Award Benning, @SPcrusaders (@TheAJHL); Hirose, @SASilverbacks (@GoBCHL); Thorne, @CPCANADIANS (@TheCCHL); Salem, @EspanolaExpress (@NOJHL); Duchesne, @OJHLGoldenHawks (@OJHLOfficial) up for #cjhlhockey Top Defenceman honours. Details: https://t.co/PkqhGYKJRV pic.twitter.com/myUv6sN17w — CJHL (@cjhlhockey) April 17, 2020 Salmon Arm Silverbacks defenceman Akito Hirose is one of five finalists for […]

BCHL Today: Vipers blueliner Fuller commits to TWU, Bucks and Kings add new players, Caps broadcaster Doucet wins league award, and more

Vipers defenceman Fuller commits to Trinity Western NEWS ALERT – Fuller Commits to @TWUSpartans https://t.co/ccEgimDtsz#OneGoal pic.twitter.com/eDWkI7Lq8R — VernonVipers (@VernonVipers) April 14, 2020 Vernon Vipers defenceman Landon Fuller has committed to Trinity Western University for the 2020-21 season. Fuller, 20, had ten goals and 14 assists in 55 games as an alternate […]

BCHL Today: Grizzlies grab forward de Vries, Bucks sign defenceman Morrissey, Three Stars rewinds to 2012

Grizzlies sign forward de Vries The Grizzlies are happy to announce the commitment of forward, Devon Devries from Stanstead College. Welcome to the Grizzlies, Devon! pic.twitter.com/YbuKWlLtIt — Victoria Grizzlies (@BCHLGrizzlies) April 9, 2020 The Victoria Grizzlies added Stanstead College captain Devon de Vries for the 2020-21 season. De Vries, 18, […]

BCHL Today: Four BCHL players featured on NHL Central Scouting final rankings, Bulldogs, Spruce Kings, Silverbacks and Kings add new players, and more

BCHL players featured on NHL Central Scouting Final Rankings 4 BCHL players listed by NHL Central Scouting ahead of the 2020 Entry Draft. RELEASE: https://t.co/6jiU21CCCy 📸 @garrettjames22 pic.twitter.com/aiZG6VlSe6 — BC Hockey League (@GoBCHL) April 8, 2020 NHL Central Scouting released its final rankings for the 2020 NHL Entry Draft and […]