Tag: Jacob Bonkowski

BCHL Today: Hirose up for CJHL Top Defenceman award, Kings and Express add new players, and more

Silverbacks blueliner Hirose up for CJHL Top Defenceman Award Benning, @SPcrusaders (@TheAJHL); Hirose, @SASilverbacks (@GoBCHL); Thorne, @CPCANADIANS (@TheCCHL); Salem, @EspanolaExpress (@NOJHL); Duchesne, @OJHLGoldenHawks (@OJHLOfficial) up for #cjhlhockey Top Defenceman honours. Details: https://t.co/PkqhGYKJRV pic.twitter.com/myUv6sN17w — CJHL (@cjhlhockey) April 17, 2020 Salmon Arm Silverbacks defenceman Akito HiroseĀ is one of five finalists for […]