Author: Eric Clarke

Chiefs alumni look: Neeco Belanger

  Chilliwack has had a small connection to the state of Michigan over the years. A handful of players have come from Michigan to play for the Chiefs, from Joey Larson and Trevor Adams to Ben Israel. There were also two players who helped recruit from Michigan to Chilliwack in […]

Life as a BCHL mascot

  (This article was originally published on Nov. 20, 2020.) Before coming to BCHLNetwork, I spent two seasons as the Chilliwack Chiefs mascot. I had the honor of portraying the legendary Chief Wannawin and the very first Belle the Cow. One of the most difficult things to do is follow […]

The evolution of the Chilliwack Chiefs logo

  (This article was originally published on Oct. 30, 2020.) Kyle Rutherford, who is one of my fellow contributors at the BCHL Network, recently did an article about the Coquitlam Express logo changes over the years. The Express has gone through three colour changes, similar to the Chiefs, but has […]

Chiefs alumni look: Marc Gagnon

  Fans of the Chiefs of my generation weren’t old enough to see the team play during its first five years in the BC Hockey League. We remember watching the likes of Brian Maloney, Brandon Fleenor, Jeff Tambellini, Bobby Henderson, and Nolan Julseth-White. One of the original Chiefs players was […]