(This article was originally published on Dec. 21, 2020.)
The National Hockey League came out with a set of reverse retro jerseys for all 31 of its teams earlier this fall. Some came out fantastic, others not so much. It got me thinking about what BC Hockey League versions of these might look like and what teams could pull off given some of the long histories.
I’ll look at possible reverse retros that all 18 teams could come up with if this were to become the next big thing to hit the BCHL.
Keep in mind, this is just my opinion on what teams could do.
Yesterday, I scored this beauty. This is a RE-crested Burnaby Bulldogs jersey! The Burnaby Bulldogs became the Alberni Valley Bulldogs in 2002. #albernivalleybulldogs #bchl #burnabybulldogs #throwbackjersey pic.twitter.com/OtyvtD4wQV
— Kaicee (@AVBulldogsFan) July 2, 2020
Alberni Valley Bulldogs
Alberni Valley doesn’t have a long history of jerseys. They are still a relatively young franchise compared to some of the others in the BC Hockey League.
If I were to give them a reverse retro, it would be the very first jersey they wore as the Burnaby Bulldogs, but with the current red, black, and white colour scheme.

Chilliwack Chiefs
Unlike the Bulldogs and Express, the Chiefs have a jersey they can reverse without a colour change.
This reverse retro would be their iconic “Rage” jersey with the black body switched for the yellow at the bottom of the jersey.
Andrew Ladd of the @NHLJets has a special message for alumni night. https://t.co/ctOLKfont3 pic.twitter.com/lLPU3082zj
— Coquitlam Express (@BCHLExpress) December 19, 2015
Coquitlam Express
The Express have already come out with a third jersey that could be considered a reverse retro jersey. It incorporated all three jerseys they wore.
However, if I were to come up with a new one, it would be the cartoon train logo they used from 2001 to 2005 and have the jersey in the Express’s current black, gold, and white colour scheme.
Cowichan Valley Capitals
The Capitals have pretty much followed the National Hockey League’s Washington Capitals design over the years.
The jersey they could reverse comes from the early to mid-2000s with the liberty jersey featuring the bird “CV” logo. The reverse could be a red jersey with blue cuffs with white and silver strips to separate.
Cranbrook Bucks
Since the Bucks are the BCHL’s newest team, they only have one set of jerseys thus far. This reverse taps into their old Rocky Mountain Junior Hockey League days and brings back a Cranbrook Colts jersey.
They could reverse the red and black or use the current green, silver, and white colour scheme.

Langley Rivermen
Langley hasn’t changed its jersey much at all since becoming the Rivermen back in 2011.
This reverse retro is inspired by a former Langley team, as it’s the Langley Thunder jersey in the navy blue, light blue, silver, and cream colours of the Rivermen.

Merritt Centennials
The Cents could tap into the 80s with a reverse of the 1985-87 Merritt Warriors jerseys. The originals are gold, black, and white.
They could reverse them and use the current red, black, and white colours on the jersey.
Nanaimo Clippers
Nanaimo has had a lot of jerseys dating back to the 1970s. I think with this one, it would be the 1985 road jersey with the white shoulders switched to black and the black switched to white.
Penticton Vees
This is one I want to see in a non-reverse. It’s the Penticton Panthers jersey from the early 1990s. It’s the jersey Hockey Hall of Famer Paul Kariya wore.
It would look similar to the Montreal Canadiens reverse retros with the Panthers logo red with a blue outline.
We heard something about reverse retro today…
Here's a little "what-if" jersey concept inspired by our past! 🔥#OurKingdom #ReverseRetro @GoBCHL pic.twitter.com/yedB47vOa6
— Powell River Kings (@BCHLKings) November 16, 2020
Powell River Kings
Thanks to the Kings’ media relations staff, they beat me to the punch as they posted what they could wear as a reverse retro. It’s actually what inspired me to look at the other 17 teams.
They took their old Paper Kings red, white, and blue jersey and changed it to the current colours. The end result is stunning.

Prince George Spruce Kings
Similar to Trail, PG could go with the Royal City Outlaws jersey but feature the Spruce Kings logo.
This follows what the Minnesota Wild did for their reverse retro, in using their logo with the North Stars colours from the late 80s and early 90s.
Own a one of a kind Shuswap Totems replica Jersey from the 1st ever Jr A team in Salmon Arm https://t.co/DtGmMPmPCb pic.twitter.com/XpliSqwBF6
— Salmon Arm Silverbacks (@SASilverbacks) January 27, 2016
Salmon Arm Silverbacks
Salmon Arm has very nice first jerseys with the purple and the big bold Silverbacks logo. This jersey taps into the Shuswap Totems that preceded the Silverbacks in the 1980s.
They could take their red jersey and use the Silverbacks colours of black, purple, and silver to make it look really sharp.
Surrey Eagles

The Eagles jerseys are a hard choice given there are so many to choose from over the years. They have come out with retro jerseys before, but I think reversing the old South Surrey Eagles jersey with the blue shoulders would look good. They could switch the shoulders to white with a blue outline and a green base.
A second option for the Eagles is to use the above third jersey they wore in 2005. It is a grey base with blue bands on the arms with green trim.
I would swap the grey with green and make the bands grey with blue trim.
Trail Smoke Eaters
This jersey will probably make a few people mad given the Smokies’ jersey history. This reverse taps to the team that moved to Trail back in 1995.
It’s the Bellingham road jersey but with the Smoke Eaters logo on it in the Ice Hawks colours. This is a very unconventional choice, but I think could be a very cool look.
We took a swing at a Reverse Retro Jersey's!
Are you Team JoJo or Team Trey??#OneGoal #ReverseRetro #BCHL pic.twitter.com/dtppNdbMX8
— Vernon Vipers (@VernonVipers) November 17, 2020
Vernon Vipers
The Vipers came out with their own possible reverse retros with an old jersey featuring the current colours.
It didn’t turn out very well, but they could take their 1999 Centennial Cup-winning jerseys and swap the red with the navy blue to achieve a solid look.
Awesome to see former @BCHLGrizzlies forward Tyler Bozak win the #StanleyCup with the Blues tonight.
Still think his greatest career achievement is sporting the "super jalapeno" Salsa jersey. 🌶️#BCHL pic.twitter.com/KhEKVeo99V
— Brian Wiebe (he/him) (@Brian_Wiebe) June 13, 2019
Victoria Grizzlies
Victoria has brought back the original Salsa jersey on several occasions.
They could go back further and use a late 1980’s Victoria Warriors jersey, but I think they should reverse the late-1990s Salsa jersey with the current gold, black, and white colour scheme.
#TurnbackTuesday @therealorrsy picked up 19 pts and racked up 137 Pims in 38 Games with the Williams Lake TimberWolves #BCHL pic.twitter.com/f0xGFvciqJ
— Southpaw (@4thlineVoice) November 21, 2017
Wenatchee Wild
Wenatchee is a bit difficult given the Wild don’t have a long history of jerseys. If approved, they could bring back an old BCHL jersey from a past team like the Abbotsford Flyers, Williams Lake Timberwolves, or Quesnel Millionaires.
They could swap the old team colours for the Wild’s current colours of blue, black and white. Of course, Wenatchee going off the board would have to be approved by the BCHL as the above teams all have a history in other locations.

West Kelowna Warriors
This retro comes from the old Kelowna Spartans. I would take their black jersey worn by former NHLers Bill Muckalt and Jan Bulis and make it red with black and silver stripes.
The Warriors could also keep the original Spartans logo and make their current logo a shoulder patch on the reverse retro jersey.