Tag: Rolling Mix Concrete Arena

BCHL Today: Spruce Kings get good news from council, Wild add two more new players, Silverbacks rookie off to Yale, and more

  Spruce Kings home rink set to open Council votes to reopen CN Centre and Rolling Mix Concrete Arena https://t.co/PbDMgwSHRV — My Prince George Now (@mypgnow) October 6, 2020 The Prince George Spruce Kings made an appeal to Prince George City Council on Monday night to open Rilling Mix Concrete […]

BCHL Today: Spruce Kings home rink to remain closed, Perrier signs coaching deal in Denmark, and more

  Rolling Mix Concrete Arena in PG remains closed Council to discuss ways of addressing revenue shortfall due to Covid-19 at July 27 Council meeting. City arenas to remain closed until further notice due to financial challenges. Please visit the City website to learn more. https://t.co/T6MZMJXFPo pic.twitter.com/ctWcRtTmZi — Prince George, […]