Tag: Darin Olver

BCHL Today: Cents add Fleming for 2021-22, Dillon takes over at UVic, and more!

  Cents add Fleming to their blueline for 2021-22 New #Recruit: The Centennials are proud to announce they've #committed to defenseman Joe Fleming (03) from the Boston Junior Eagles program. Welcome to the team Joe, we look forward to having you! 📰:https://t.co/DJL9EiQRmN pic.twitter.com/oifgn3ZvLP — Merritt Centennials (@BCHLCentennials) April 22, 2021 […]

Chiefs alumni look: Neeco Belanger

  Chilliwack has had a small connection to the state of Michigan over the years. A handful of players have come from Michigan to play for the Chiefs, from Joey Larson and Trevor Adams to Ben Israel. There were also two players who helped recruit from Michigan to Chilliwack in […]

BCHL Today: Kings add three new players, Centennials reduce losses by $65K, and more…

  Kings add three new faces The Kings would like to welcome Ben Raymond, Josh Wessels and @CalebParkhouse to the Kings family for the 2020/2021 season. Check out our website at https://t.co/7MScmYGLaf for the full story. pic.twitter.com/lkEn9XaaKm — Powell River Kings (@BCHLKings) August 20, 2020 The Powell River Kings announced […]